
The Secret Tours Blog

Guides, Top 10's, and campfire stories


Welcome to our pride and joy… our BLOG page!  All of our BLOGS are free.  Completely free.  Scroll down and enjoy them all now for… you guessed it…. FREE.  :). Or keep reading to learn about our donation process and membership tiers.

Now try to imagine the thousands of hours we put into creating all of this content.  You’ll enjoy and appreciate it a lot more.  So much glorious driving, and hiking, and researching… WE LOVE IT!  And guess what?  It never ends.  We are constantly searching for MORE!  Hard to believe there could even be any more.  🙂 We go FULL TILT for you because we love sharing the secrets.

If you read through our blogs and love them, we would TRULY appreciate any donations you could offer.  Donate whatever you feel they were worth to you.  Every little bit helps and it helps keep us afloat.  Your donations will be used to help us stay out in the field and creating new content for YOU.  We will also offer Secret Access for our “Philanthropic Secret Society Friends”.  

DONATE ANY AMOUNT.  Like we said, anything helps.  

On To The Blogs...


TOP 10 GUIDE: Every Music Videos filmed in Joshua Tree: And “NOT”

Top 10 Guide: Every Single Music Video shot in Joshua Tree California… and we even threw in those that weren’t shot in Joshua Tree Too… From Joshua Tree to the Four Aces Movie Ranch and beyond… We make you an expert! DISCLAIMER:  These videos are in NO particular order.  We have a LOT of videos

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Our Blog is only the beginning.  Become an expert in all things Joshua Tree today by going on one of our real-life tours when you visit Joshua Tree in the future!  It’s one of those “know-before-you-go” situations!  Trust us.  We will get you ready and motivated to embark on a LOT of unique adventures and teach you wild history that make this such a wonderful desert. Joshua Tree is one of the most magical and mysterious spots in California, way more than Disneyland!  (Disney Secrets Here). Hiking, climbing, sightseeing, camping, and many more activities make Joshua Tree the perfect place for 3,200,000 people every year. That’s 6 per minute! But most don’t know about the secrets of Joshua Tree.  With over 25 years of experience living here in Joshua Tree, we decided to share our knowledge with visitors to help them maximize their enjoyment during their own personally-crafted adventures.  It is perfectly normal for people to get overwhelmed because this area is huge.  No matter how many days you have at the park, it is crucial that you plan everything from the beginning.  We hope that you use all the information in our guides and resources so you can have the best possible time in Joshua Tree.


If you love what we are doing and want to be a part of the the creative… DONATE NOW and help us TODAY.

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